Saturday, August 15, 2015

yuzu: EYE完全な眼の楽園ソリューション

^yuzu: EYE完全な眼の楽園ソリューション 
"SWAG BOMB"                                    

                 "ENJOY YOUR SWAG" -Dogson


  continually self-updating eye software / recombinant sight module


yuzu is so cool, so unique, it's almost impossible to do, unapproachably cool
yuzu is that girl who's so intimidatingly hot so she's alone 

yuzu is NOT philosophy, NOT an affectation, NOT  style 

yuzu consolidating insane psychic energy into 1 bit of fruit
yuzu molten misshapen runaway genetic payload 
yuzu voracious reader turned financial assassin in a baggy NSA sweatshirt 
yuzu an erect, sterile donkey dick confused about its true journey 
yuzu a comma floating in lotus ponds 
yuzu saran-wrapped head peppered w/ tiny airholes 
yuzu red wine vinegar to capture rogue gnats 
yuzu a lychee daquiri spiked with arctic everclear 
yuzu your pussy-whipped zeta_signal from 0_point jupiter moon base 
yuzu all the crap in your basement come alive "plastique"
yuzu in remembrance the smiling duckface of yr sorrowful ex girlfriend 
yuzu a spawn of blueblack pens running down your thigh exploded 
yuzu post-instagram subterran silicon lilac forest 
yuzu frost on an ice swan 
yuzu détente of vast megacorps interstellar space war ragtime wagner remix
yuzu dripping sweet oil 
yuzu doing chin-ups watching G.I. jane hotel room service 
yuzu wrapped in foam cloudblankets 
yuzu blue-white astral projection flowervase 
yuzu sloshing blood chalice / blood icing alchemical weddingcake 
yuzu unwashed waist-length hair hacking for 12 weeks straight no break
yuzu celestial painting spraypainted black 
yuzu oyster shells stuffed veloceraptor claw
yuzu stained black streaks single orange line 
yuzu hive mind hyacinth floral print katana beheadings basket 
yuzu sports turned dark 
yuzu playing in the yard sprinkler 
yuzu deathmatch w/ buttered crab meat // good meat from the claws 
yuzu love in a snowflake pattern 
yuzu blackblood scorpion sting black wisdom petra-field infection pattern 
yuzu clicking sugar's tongue waiting for yuzu get dressed 
yuzu still waiting for her to get dressed
yuzu falling asleep waiting in her naked endless eyemirror 
yuzu prince Vigo from ghostbusters 2 death grips cock like a marble statue
yuzu sweating lava 
yuzu billie holiday slowed down w/ high pitched kitchen lasers
yuzu ikebana design on her orbital weapons platform 
yuzu a lush hypergravity 
yuzu a swamp turned clear 
yuzu a jagged rock candy shabazz palaces 
yuzu infuriatingly calm born dead ocean molester 
yuzu sadness of the indigo 
yuzu hotpatching cables left dangling silicon cliffs 
yuzu organic bleach staining bluewhite 3rdeye socket
yuzu in trajectory / processional laser beach 
yuzu  undyne blushing design hotel 
yuzu  creampuff space telescope 
yuzu a bored brilliant teenage girl 
yuzu no surrender no retreat designing a better boredom 
yuzu 17 level hypermall selling google stock short 
yuzu bad mouthing the weirdos badder & full of wine cooler bellylaughter 
yuzu voraciously excited about sitting in a cold room alone
yuzu badmitton champion 
yuzu 6 porterhouse steaks shampooed with lysol spear-fishing accident
yuzu underwater darth vader gargling pranayama 
yuzu badge of honor didn't tell about the 6 suited explorers dark kaleidoscope 
yuzu one shot 
yuzu domino effect 

yuzu: high ion aircount
yuzu playing Baldur's Gate all winter ginkgo tea mixed with sprite  
yuzu no regret no memory  
yuzu desk pop little red flechettes 
yuzu island paradise inside cement cone 
yuzu dark is rising 
yuzu fellow wanderer tattooed with map of the entire universe 
yuzu cardboard box fort with 7-foot lead walls 
yuzu boring to the center of the earth can telephone sharpwire 
yuzu bigoted against linear arcs 
yuzu 2™
yuzu the way feathers sound flapping snowfields 
yuzu desiccated human remains photographed framed looked at iphone snap
yuzu polite in shunning you and your white-wave 
yuzu digital canvas growing skin 
yuzu allowed 100% in 
yuzu across endless distance leaving no trace 
yuzu no white scream a black line skyscraper rising 
yuzu dutch silicon waffle processor core sugarsnow 
yuzu bored again installing hermetic software in her GameCube™
yuzu egyptian musk pouring out of her red mustang engine fire 
yuzu gnashing tusks nightsweat 
yuzu tattooed-on eye of ra eyeliner 

^yuzu: sweat from a ripe mango at dawn 

yuzu perfect practice makes perfect 
yuzu again 
yuzu and again 
yuzu & again 
yuzu and again
yuzu no pain no pain 
yuzu chugged a milkshake too fast coconut milk
yuzu two macbook pro's fucking 
yuzu a stash of contraband 
yuzu fringe area of LED map flashing 
yuzu way down in the sub-basement 
yuzu reading by Buick maplight 
yuzu pretty blasé
yuzu unnatural heat 
yuzu wild irish rose 
yuzu a night-blooming carnivorous flower
yuzu none 
yuzu (not second to none) 
yuzu hot-boxing the volcano
yuzu hot boxing the submarine 
yuzu hot boxing the moon base 
yuzu hot boxing the air traffic control tower 
yuzu hot boxing the Nestlé Geneva HQ 
yuzu hot boxing the pentagon 
yuzu hot boxing the french poodle's cage 
yuzu making noodles from thin sliced swordfish guts 
yuzu a nozzle that keeps spraying and spraying 
yuzu hard to glimpse now it's glimpsed you 
yuzu endless rain 
yuzu an elegant cocktail dress no one can afford 
yuzu hot boy tears 
yuzu distracted by ... 
yuzu ... continues 
yuzu you don't hear from her for 800 hours and then !
yuzu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yuzu master of Signal Corps™ 
yuzu what if i was vektroid™
yuzu again with the ™
yuzu ™™
yuzu predictable, predictable; then an apprehensive asdfghjkl
yuzu asldjaslkjdalskjdlajlskajdlkjaslkdjlksjdlkjl
yuzu gemini in virgo 
yuzu laser eyebrow removal hair salonspray crown-chakra burn module 
yuzu always from the hip 
yuzu burning diptyque marrow 
yuzu debutante shit 
yuzu dilettante shit 
yuzu air ionizer doesn't work 
yuzu neither does the intercom 
yuzu fox reincarnated as an intercom
yuzu long fluffy tail with press-button startup 
yuzu calling echo static over the intercom 
yuzu snowblind operator of astral intercoms 
yuzu burning copper faceplate 
yuzu stranded in the palm mall 
yuzu no voice breathy sex intercom 
yuzu crossed legs with falling out 
yuzu piano bar gunfight 
yuzu watching predator 2 sugar high 
yuzu ordering night breakfast 
yuzu flywheel gone haywire 
yuzu crossed streams international astral glass pyramid gate space window 
yuzu space window shopping 
yuzu ludicrous speed 
yuzu take a breather while still shopping 
yuzu elastic to the Nth º
yuzu all alone 
yuzu boingy and true  
yuzu space weapons designer but a very nice person overall 
yuzu character witness 
yuzu blink and you miss her 
yuzu wait was that her? was that Yuzu?????????????????????
yuzu i don't think it was dude 
yuzu i mean i just can't be sure 
yuzu that's how you know it's her 
yuzu but you genuinely can't know 
yuzu that's how you know 
yuzu oh 
yuzu the unspeakable participle 
yuzu a re-imagined equinox declination angle  
yuzu speaking that crazy shit all night 
yuzu the crunk pentacostal 
yuzu the blade sheath
yuzu white sage ice cream 
yuzu stained 
yuzu jellyfish venom
yuzu total solar eclipse 
yuzu breatharian but still eating 
yuzu ice-9 eyes pyroclastic body 
yuzu bodyweight exercises 
yuzu gymnast chalk handstand handprints 
yuzu CEO airblade corporation  
yuzu the lack of fruit at the bottom 
yuzu the fruit at the bottom 
yuzu beneath the fruit at the bottom 
yuzu gently carefully placing the fruit at the bottom 
yuzu deciding whether you get fruit at the bottom 
yuzu instead of fruit at the bottom 
yuzu a tray of snacks but you're chillin 
yuzu refusing to say what she's thinking
yuzu is it something dirty 
yuzu she just can't say 
yuzu she won't say 
yuzu you'll never know 
yuzu is it an emotional test 
yuzu beyond tests 
yuzu beyond reason 
yuzu beyond thought 
yuzu the post-thought thinking 
yuzu dogen's zero-point waifu 
yuzu brushing doll hair 
yuzu abandoned carnival 
yuzu white wave 
yuzu disappearing into the crowd 
yuzu CEO of LOLChanel®

yuzu laughing all the way to the bank 
yuzu the 11-dimensional bond girl 
yuzu "it just turned out that way"
yuzu 800 year old immortal. looks like bored 16 year old white girl
yuzu energized from a deep place 
yuzu asexually sexual 
yuzu coming closer and closer to "..." 
yuzu usually "..." 
yuzu current mood "..." 
yuzu different mood but still kinda "..." 
yuzu ... 
yuzu laserbeak is the best transformer obv. 
yuzu ok soundwave but rly laserbeak (cute) 
yuzu cute is not yzu but not antiyuzu 
yuzu there is no yzu or antiyuzu dont speak it 
yuzu still elastic AF tho 
yuzu very tite leather pants 
yuzu solar storm ruining your whole electro makeup 
yuzu explaining what an Americano is & then ordering silver needle
yuzu which they don't have 
yuzu decidedly off-menu 
yuzu brilliant pitch-perfect IGF-1 secretagogue
yuzu hash tag #somatomedinC
yuzu hash tag #telomere 
yuzu hash tag #physicalimmortality 
yuzu hash tag #longview 
yuzu hash tag #pranayama 
yuzu hash tag #invinciblehealth 
yuzu bottling her spit 
yuzu beyond the terrordome 
yuzu a classy RFID-blocking wallet 
yuzu a whispered incantation 
yuzu a masterclass on practical sigil magick 
yuzu omg shes ryl hot
yuzu post-coital ice cream headache 
yuzu like white orchids growing thru cracks in the pavement 
yuzu like accidentally breaking a lamp 
yuzu a 2-week school cancellation due to snow babylon 5 mega-marathon 
yuzu blizzard sex 
yuzu temporal rift 
yuzu asocial completely chillin 
yuzu a hyperthreading chloë sevigny 
yuzu smoking superstring catnip 
yuzu ice-blue 
yuzu going to the mattresses 
yuzu effortless style plastic explosizev
yuzu burning chrome 
yuzu bruce sterling interview 
yuzu bharghest whelp
yuzu looping melon collie dipping tea bags in vinegar 
yuzu russian arctic base 
yuzu polynesian yogurt designer 
yuzu swenson's ice cream sprinkles vomiter 
yuzu japanese high-speed rail train car decorator 
yuzu sudanese-swahili gummi bear air-deployment system 
yuzu panama channel islands tax haven account holder 
yuzu 12 yogurt cups with absolutely no fruit at the bottom 
yuzu king arthur and the crystal cove 
yuzu beginning to feel happy & then it's all ruined 
yuzu an air siren from nowhere 
yuzu owls creeping into the design 
yuzu cavalcade of pelicans death rays and gin gimlets 
yuzu aurora borealis 
yuzu clarified butter sweetener 
yuzu a hot mess become cool and dark 
yuzu darth vader air purifier 
yuzu gradient blade lexicon of loop-evolved CAT6 wire laser air curvatures 
yuzu working up a sweat yet? nope dead silent 
yuzu radio silence no radio 
yuzu occipital mind-radio (silent) 
yuzu a silenter silent 
yuzu hated and feared by noises  
yuzu : the silent science 
yuzu by-passing silence to a silenter inner silence 
yuzu quasi-silent high-formula patience
yuzu (space)time management 
yuzu just stacking gold bricks 
yuzu a chirping laser expanse  
yuzu night slips 

yuzu ice melting space satellite 
yuzu definitively 'outer' 
yuzu till you're blue in the face 
yuzu carbuncle and dresden flesh 
yuzu nucleotide neuropeptide rootbeer float coffees  
yuzu hyacinth asparagus 
yuzu algae island 
yuzu knock your bones 
yuzu betray your religion 
yuzu cave in
yuzu your stay-put lightning storm 
yuzu collatoralized doubt subprime-astral soda, shaken up 
yuzu fizz your face 
yuzu hotstepping the white-pink burn unit 
yuzu a spatial expanse    X      Z 
yuzu divide by zero 
yuzu smiling 
yuzu the silicon vampire bat 
yuzu the silicon flower vase 
yuzu and her voltage-adaptor dummy corporations
yuzu the silicon saw-horse 
yuzu a benchmade dagger  
yuzu hot putty in your hands 
yuzu a jellyfish DNA rewrite 
yuzu on her 80th genetic draft 
yuzu fresh cyberspace powder 
yuzu turning in her homework drunk 
yuzu sits (10 hours straight) consolidating chi 
yuzu a thing of the collarbone 
yuzu came true from a wishbone 
yuzu jilted black-marble funnybone 
yuzu horseshoejellyfishtrombone 
yuzu wet her whistle 
yuzu blessed thistle 
yuzu big man missile 
yuzu feather tickle 
yuzu visual 
yuzu ür-sizzle 
yuzu up in your grizzle 
yuzu lacking a stopper 
yuzu employing muppet coders dummy corporation doomsday device 
yuzu flat black building with a pinch of glass 
yuzu hitting escape velocity 
yuzu vitriol turned to delight 
yuzu up, up where the fog never escape
yuzu heaven, and 1/6th the normal oxygen 
yuzu mitochondrial lemon live-wire roman bust 
yuzu cinnamon skirt eyelashes licked between legs 
yuzu red shoes' red footprints stepping down a few floors
yuzu cerebral sub-basement inner eclipse 
yuzu excommunicated imaginal megatower 
yuzu by-lines swept into the annex 
yuzu escape into the laser tundra 
yuzu grid upon grid inner eyelid 
yuzu inner sun tan 
yuzu inner wolf howl 
yuzu inner lip bite 
yuzu inner caustic night flare 
yuzu inner heave-ho 
yuzu inner postmortem 
yuzu inner nonsequitor 
yuzu inner barter 
yuzu inner bottom dog 
yuzu inner spheres
yuzu inner lexicon 
yuzu inner zürich 
yuzu inner dubai 
yuzu inner glossolalia 
yuzu adrenachrome cocktail 
yuzu a blender gone wild 
yuzu spiritual decadence 
yuzu decanter of the mind 
yuzu bubbling well 
yuzu void where prohibited 
yuzu spinach cosmos 
yuzu launch flunkee 
yuzu dermatrode executioner 
yuzu doo-wop torture designer 
yuzu wiggle room expanding 
yuzu void except where prohibited 
yuzu climbing flagstaff 
yuzu genteel to the last 
yuzu grove of the fireflies 
yuzu wish for a lasting impression 
yuzu lost in the dune sea 
yuzu zero kelvin 
yuzu spicy pickles and launch codes 
yuzu delaying the inevitable 
yuzu spice rack missing coriander 
yuzu believe me i know 
yuzu believe me i'm serious
yuzu believe me i saw it 
yuzu believe me it's real 
yuzu etc etc 
yuzu the new spiritual system 
yuzu krav manga night sweat
yuzu russian systema bruise
yuzu colloidal zinc spray 
yuzu preternatural abilities 
yuzu still chillin even tho the cafe is closed 
yuzu waiting for the miracle to come 
yuzu dramatic secret society piano music 
yuzu a droque of hauntings 
yuzu droll turnt beauty 
yuzu burning chrome v. 2 fuckin BURNT 
yuzu jacked up david lynch soundtracks 
yuzu learning algorythm turnt dark 
yuzu the bow wow syndrome connected drive unit 
yuzu floppy disc doom X 4 X hyperparadise 
yuzu blue white orange pelicans 
yuzu thousands of sacred texts on a flash drive 
yuzu dancing silicon hydrogen drip-ups 
yuzu clipping sound spectrum 
yuzu beyond the red line 
yuzu invaded and truly vague 
yuzu Poseidon beside himself acid wave 
yuzu crimeny! no, but actually, yeah. 
yuzu yes. 
yuzu extra yes - with sugar on top. 
yuzu hydrogen-addled cinematic-wave 
yuzu neon-wave 
yuzu dutch coffee-wave 
yuzu floral print katana - wave 
yuzu lurid-wave 
yuzu 2wave 
yuzu hit me on my 2-wave, yo 
yuzu lollypop-wave 
yuzu burnt to a crispwave 
yuzu lolwave 
yuzu post-LOL "hahawave" 
yuzu lording over your whole kingdom effortlesslywave 
yuzu reading 3 books a day bioengineered audio-photographic geniuswave 
yuzu omega3wave 
yuzu hyperoil hydrogenwave 
yuzu kick your fucking asswave 
yuzu ghostintheshellwave 
yuzu silicon chalk outlinewave 
yuzu mexican day of the deadwave 
yuzu dia de los muertoswave 
yuzu bangin that straight up muertoswave 
yuzu muertos clown cult wave 
yuzu cheaper than a dime novelwave 
yuzu honeycomb blotter acidwave 
yuzu dug up the yard searching for buried treasurewave 
yuzu crossed my eyes as a kid now can't see straightwave 
yuzu honey i shrunk the kidswave 
yuzu get three 7's in a row and you win a prizewave 
yuzu drive thru blown speakerwave 
yuzu the best batman is obviously michael keatonwave 
yuzu beluga caviar on my russian blini with sourcreamwave 
yuzu mitsubishi pencil companywave 
yuzu stanley kubrickwave 
yuzu eating when i'm not actually hungrywave 
yuzu isoceles trianglewave 
yuzu ancient alienwave 
yuzu SNES clayfighterwave 
yuzu starfoxwave

yuzu lucasarts day of the tentaclewave 
yuzu damn finally some actually good coffeewave 
yuzu i can tell just by looking at you that it's onwave 
yuzu crimewave 
yuzu canon corp. announces dark energy camerawave 
yuzu thousands infected by new britney spears albumwave 
yuzu i burntmytonguebutwecanstillmakeoutwave 
yuzu mydogwillcomehomeeventuallywav
yuzu wowididntknowyouhadaswissbankaccountwave 
yuzu son why is the jagged in your roomwave 
yuzu son i found the jagged in your room again wave
yuzu son this is becoming a problemwave 
yuzu son we need to talkwave 
yuzu it's the jagged or uswave 
yuzu finewave
yuzu imtotallyfinewave 
yuzu hobowave 
yuzu hobo with a shotgunwave 
yuzu chartlon hestonwave 
yuzu hey remember fig newtonswave
yuzu i have unopened box of fig newtons under my bed wanna eatemwave
yuzu hey remember ho-hos?wave 
yuzu did you ever put your cock into a hoho?wave
yuzu that's fucking disgusting how could you even think of thatwave
yuzu do you think they designed them to look like wrinkled dog dickswave
yuzu nowave
yuzu i said NOwave 
yuzu no means nowave 
yuzu sorry i didnt go to harvardwave 
yuzu sorry i'm not in a secret societywave 
yuzu if i had a hundred million dollars i'd still dress like thiswave
yuzu no you wouldn'twave 
yuzu yuh huh i wouldwave
yuzu i was born with a target on my backwave
yuzu if another smooth jazz song comes on i'm gunna shoot myselfwave
yuzu woke up like thiswave
yuzu check out the new head of AOL's marketing's hairwave
yuzu dude you know i don't go onlinewave
yuzu how do you even survivewave 
yuzu my lifestyle is posh and secludedwave 
yuzu up all night listening to darkwavewave 
yuzu cry me a fucking riverwave 
yuzu google why is my dog scared of lightningwave 
yuzu google why does facebook hijack my macbook camera and photograph me thats so fucking shadywave 
yuzu hundredth monkey theorumwave 
yuzu absolutely killin it on twitterwave 
yuzu they removed the 180 character limit for DMswave 
yuzu chill i'm gunna DM the entire Yuzu Swagbomb to vaporwavetwitterwave 
yuzu dude all of them are gunna unfollowyouwave 
yuzu i_give_zero_fuckswave 
yuzu what you'd do if you were invincible 
yuzu like finding out you're actually invincible 
yuzu like finding out you're immortal 
yuzu like finding a few hundred bucks in an old coat 
yuzu like those newfangled steam engines
yuzu like waking up the day after you clean your bedroom 
yuzu and shamisen music 
yuzu and a distant hawk 
yuzu and incense smoke and flowers 
yuzu and a spritz of holy water 
yuzu instead of a toy at the bottom 
yuzu instead of fat-free mayonnaise 
yuzu instead of investing in Barclay's 
yuzu instead of ingesting cannabinoids 

^yuzu: while your enemy is lost in a mirror maze of their own creation 

yuzu instead of slack-jawed entertainment 
yuzu the sun falling in sheets through Parisian cloud
yuzu upping your dopamine with no side effects
yuzu the 2015 christopher walken
yuzu the 2015 Model T 
yuzu not a doohickey 
yuzu the one true meta-doohickey 
yuzu the one true brain alkaloid 
yuzu the defense department's worst nightmare 
yuzu a cryptic napkin drawing turned rogue 
yuzu a beautiful piece of metadata 
yuzu the frozen waterfall of hard drives 
yuzu a quick jaunt into the sidereal 
yuzu when you get heart arrythmea but its totally fine 
yuzu just a jammed piece of energy becoming enlightened 
yuzu post-enlightenment smirk 
yuzu post-shampoo shimmer 
yuzu post-judgement day trip hop albums 
yuzu post-liquid-crystal-display 
yuzu post-neo triumphant 
yuzu post-balls-to-the-wall development cycle 
yuzu lucid dream 
yuzu here for the duration 
yuzu like the end of Akira 

yuzu  thought field therapy 
yuzu the tapping solution
yuzu engineered for total domination 
yuzu vulcan mind-meld 
yuzu like coming face to face with a blind sucker-fish
yuzu confronting your inner blowfish 
yuzu the minty aftertaste of gargling blowfish semen 
yuzu and a purple cloud of nectrotic blowfish-liver venom 
yuzu a true dynasty of the magical surreal 
yuzu deep breathing for 15 minutes and a cool bath 
yuzu a cricket floating on lily pad
yuzu transmuting your solid brass bathroom fixtures 
yuzu palms wet from baby seal oil 
yuzu navy seal oil 
yuzu pride and prejudice on crack 
yuzu inflating your diabolical air superiority fighter blimp
yuzu tinted sky, "infatuated"

^yuzu:12-spoke black sun cvlt 

yuzu radial diodes blinking blue 
yuzu like seeing hellraiser for the first time 
yuzu like solving an all-black rubix cube 
yuzu an hourglass of flower petals 
yuzu a stained-glass window blood transfusion 
yuzu liquid smoke 
yuzu like quitting sea org 
yuzu like a burnt velvet jogging suit 
yuzu like calibrating a city to your heartbeat 
yuzu and then drinking a ton of coffee 
yuzu an ice bath gone awry
yuzu an expanded field of vision 
yuzu the second draft of a kill list 
yuzu paper stacked like the himalayas in her office
yuzu like comparing meditation to skin-diving
yuzu like hitting bottom with no breath
yuzu strange matter & heavily oxygenated bioenvirons
yuzu a steady release of cumquats 
yuzu air lichen in a gnarled tree
yuzu perforce to bequeath the thone
yuzu chantilly = whip cream. so is 'slagroom' (dutch)
yuzu sandals. foot thong. chocolate-dipped strawberries. 
yuzu eclectic selection of cracked-mirror hypnosis techniques
yuzu not brushing her teeth doesn't need to. 
yuzu blue-violet light shining down into the sternum
yuzu a colloid, an ovid, an plastique
yuzu black & white movies with a soft burning gel 
yuzu winter in scope
yuzu a lion's den

yuzu - fortier analysis gone dark 
yuzu the cyclic solar infrapolitic
yuzu climbing zeus' yardstick 
yuzu the feldspar-chafing iceland spar
yuzu a downtrodden versailles 
yuzu close to the shotgun-chest 
yuzu a close-knit group of assassins' lockpick pornographies
yuzu a drowned cargo manifest 
yuzu closer to hot girl-breath 
yuzu put it in the freezer for later. it's never 'later' 
yuzu when never becomes 'later' 
yuzu stopping. then jettisoning.
yuzu a green-red broken marble
yuzu                                                       dharma 
yuzu burning maps in polite company
yuzu very sure of herself
yuzu fleecing the tourists 
yuzu one bare shoulder 
yuzu the difference between thin and 'slender' 
yuzu a day-mare cleopatra 
yuzu closing the markets early due to high snobility gold vicious 
yuzu vicious or viscous her parisian anti-Chanel 
yuzu very close now her burning hair like moth like star made flesh 
yuzu casting agent dumbfounded, rewriting the script bank robbery 
yuzu her jaws an eye-jazz 
yuzu lunar gambling back-alley star expanse 
yuzu felt senses betrayed upended
yuzu a shipping container filled with loose pearls 
yuzu the nacre-shimmer assassin's blade 
yuzu the place in flowers where pollen rests 
yuzu barbiturate root beer float on neptune 
yuzu a philosopher's robotic bust on neptune 
yuzu crystal dildo cocktail stir on neptune 
yuzu media tycoons' tuned crystal air 
yuzu pure glass wires 
yuzu  inventing glass velvet to shove down her procession of hyperskirts 
yuzu gemini in libra 
yuzu terrible at math occupying the true math 
yuzu approaching complexity zero 
yuzu magic her doubt a white wine-cloud 
yuzu face like an extrusion map's author's toothpick holder 
yuzu younger and younger and fresher 
yuzu a whale's feet and credit card statement 
yuzu authored by all in white lab
yuzu okay with the beatings of star systems' cast-off gravity 
yuzu falling around a myriad high society cicada
yuzu polite as fuck in the punk rock bathroom curtsy cutie 
yuzu making oatmeal pies look like raw egg yolk 
yuzu oxidized metal on oatstraw blowing leaves 
yuzu the fine print exposed as sham surgery 
yuzu the 5% tint limo driver pocket-square 
yuzu eloping with a pillow hypoallergenic 
yuzu the general's wig-powderer
yuzu powdered the creatrix 
yuzu insanely ür-powdered 
yuzu beyond a sneeze is a powder, yuzu 
yuzu the definition of "powder" in its rotney 5th mind 
yuzu 5th form geography 
yuzu moving sideways staggering towards ...  
yuzu left open her systems' ancient decision 
yuzu mouthful of herbal smoke 
yuzu lashing a tongue's river's hyperfog 
yuzu smelling the black volcano salt 
yuzu fresh along the ridge of wherever (never a whenever) forever
yuzu a bulgarian cryptoanalytic 
yuzu very light now 
yuzu evaporated  fax russian politburo 
yuzu elliptic drips out like a trail of dog water 
yuzu moon ecliptic space x-ray phone, ray gun, cellphone
yuzu between the areas a dark zone, dark pinstriped yu_zutic
yuzutic in a way you can't deal with
yuzu an area just beyond your attention 
yuzu spanning a yaw rate of zipper designs 
yuzu a thing of destiny, but not really for you... 
yuzu you wish but can't so hate it, but beautiful, a continual head-sever
yuzu sharp but never drawn down 
yuzu bullseye every time 
yuzu an area rug covering interplanetary sinkhole 
yuzu a drowned dimension X
yuzu come late to the party, this is my party
yuzu wet t-shirt contest perky psy-breast 
yuzu hallucinogenic milk from her ink-breasts 
yuzu sucking the clit of her merlot breast 
yuzu sphinx-like in the dunes
yuzu like a silicon aimee mann 
yuzu ikebana missile silo launch codes 
yuzu hyena-smile black nano-electrodes 
yuzu triangular spikes
yuzu green tights very short skirt no head girl 
yuzu dutch-made brain coffee overflow 
yuzu smooth worn-down clog teeth 
yuzu from the shadows! 
yuzu from the deep! 
yuzu from the expanse!
yuzu a cheap mitsubishi knockoff wristwatch! 
yuzu drunken white-girl CEO
yuzu red tie hot white suit 
yuzu you too can be a champion, but first, hatch your sea monkeys 
yuzu the colony of eyeballs floating in coconuts
yuzu the batch of cookies with bits of eyeball 
yuzu the trench coat with deep pockets where you find an eyeball 
yuzu the badminton game where you realize you've been hitting eyeballs 
yuzu a sandcastle with a treasure room where you find $800 
yuzu a secret pocket of caviar salty in your whipped meringue 
yuzu a switchblade of caveat emptors  
yuzu downline a burning corporate jackmove
yuzu the deep breath before bad decisions 
yuzu simply decadent in its, in her, simplicity 
yuzu you can't see what isn't (or is it) 
yuzu transmuted 
yuzu licked raw 
yuzu french kissed cherry
yuzu dog jowls 
yuzu cherry blowpop stem mouth-tied cherry stem 
yuzu invigorated after 18 hours of raw dog fucking 
yuzu a yeast a cake a lump of estrogen 
yuzu a falling hailstorm of lilac bulbs 
yuzu tubestick groping the night-mirror dim candlelight reflection
yuzu a hairdo that doesn't make sense 
yuzu a bad investment leading to lost technology 
yuzu a star-map 
yuzu a sinister-looking manhole cover 
yuzu whose bones have amethyst marrow 
yuzu frank sinatra's W.O.B*  
yuzu *Whore OBabylon 
yuzu razzmatazz 

yuzu the moment when you have the exact perfect energy, relaxed power, mind and body flowing like a lightsaber, cut through anything

yuzu down in the dog-dark 
yuzu writing a blue streak inside an ancient grimoire 
yuzu pressed flowers between the pages 
yuzu a sexy girl talking shit about you in french 
yuzu accidentally drinking the vase-water
yuzu dropping a mental alka seltzer in the river of spacetime 
yuzu boring holes through infinity to look at its own eye in her trenchcoat pocket 

yuzu rewinding VHS tapes ever-considerate 
yuzu a processed mind-cheese 
yuzu a hive of dewdrop honeybees 
yuzu collecting stamps in the infra-realist nectarine we call straylight villa 
yuzu a dessicated head made to explain the subprime derivatives market 
yuzu luncheon of quale egg butter toffees and dark scarlet wine cake

^yuzu: together we can create anything, she said; then she cut off my night_dawn + soldered on a glittering fiberoptic HDMI cable

yuzu 'sake mo ippai' basically calling for flagon upon flagon of sake 
yuzu drinking hard with no hangover or consequences
yuzu the wine-smacked poet of racked up astral tequilas
yuzu laser sugarcane blowfish snail asshole violet slime trail 
yuzu in hazy high-mountain fog . . . suddenly red dot on your chest 
yuzu laser assassin scopelite™ 
yuzu hidden in a caste of processional hyperlotus 
yuzu cast-off r_mummy glass skin
yuzu liquid-cooled pyramid storage 

is yuzu boingy? 
                      no, settled. 
                      glaring. (inwardly) 
then you spill your drink.

yuzu like sitting down with a coffee, saying 'now watch me spill this' & then spilling it.

yuzu would hold patents but 2 cool 2 file 

yuzu a branded vapor scalding the financial markets trillionaire white gunwale

yuzu advancing lewdly toward the gaping planetary vulva

yuzu's hyperfinch alights on a branch of corroded astral steel 

yuzu a portrait of some powdered-wig noble, french fries rammed up his nose 

^yuzu: scraping air legs hard wooden chair calming down into an ambient vibration-recombinant mind surgery 

yuzu organic Kenya AA but you snarfed while drinking 
yuzu the cement  splatter pattern from where you killed your soulmate
yuzu reading The Bardo of Waking Life while jilling off in a bubble bath 
yuzu a smooth porcelain butt that ejects only smooth porcelain cylinders 
yuzu a pez dispenser that dispenses dimensional rift pips
yuzu opening up your bobble-head a wig of ruptured gravities 
yuzu the true escape escaped 
yuzu let out the yggdrasil-clamboring hypernovel
yuzu exterior painted like interior 
yuzu one IN the same 
yuzu (not one AND the same) 
yuzu don't focus on what you don't want 
yuzu command from the universe 77 times for 7 days (or 70 or 77 days) 
yuzu long legged model with no brain, no head hanging by the ankle
yuzu eyeteeth shaped like samurai swords
yuzu another deep breath before drinking more coffee, more puddings
yuzu lord bills: "it caused the pudding to spill" (DBZ - battle of gods) 
yuzu like giving a gift to someone you know is insane 

 ^yuzu: a black and gold egyptian cat who fucks like a porn star, invents like tesla + edison, a royal member of feline_illuminati, & designs floppy disc driven synthesizer sound banks in her spare time 

yuzu's just like, this 'waveform, yo
yuzu a cafe so excellent you can't tell anyone about it 
yuzu a 24-hour alchemical library 
yuzu a drive-through mummification process 
yuzu sad only one day a year, on her birthday
yuzu meekly saying "it's my birthday" nonchalantly curing all disease  
yuzu whose alkaline girl spit is the cure for cancer 
yuzu an epic arrogant operatic soundtrack turned vaporwave
yuzu a white rolls-royce stealth bomber turned vaporwave
yuzu polished marble floors turned vaporwave
yuzu the white house painted black chrome 
yuzu the statue of liberty painted black chrome 
yuzu the washington monument painted black chrome 
yuzu a perfect female vagina that tastes like black chrome 
yuzu the ideal cybernetic vulva made of black chrome 
yuzu a human vulva with an eyeball clitoris of black chrome 
yuzu a lump of black chrome 
yuzu staring at you through her clitoris eyeball of black chrome 
yuzu mopping up the floor with a pail of liquified black chrome 
yuzu trading japanese securities on her black chrome cellphone
yuzu war-driving shinjuku cyberghettoes black chrome ferrari enzo
yuzu sure of her ripped 8-pack in a black chrome mirror
yuzu bleeding black chrome blood onto her black chrome tampons
yuzu deep in the pudding, an eyeball (clitoris) of black chrome 
yuzu lost her marbles N gained 108 extra clits
yuzu outsourcing her human-native clitoris to India 
yuzu stimulating all chrome surfaces via wifi cybernetic genitals 
yuzu an electric fence of networked cyber-clits 

^yuzuyarn of black spools 

yuzu flatwave 
yuzu dawn of the mark V pyramid-field generator pendant 

yuzu whispering 'only a true lord would wear this' as she slips on a studded black chrome condom
yuzu lost in the exegesis 
yuzu a harrier jet style orgasm 
yuzu flakes of crystal meth in your breakfast 
yuzu gnawing on god's cinnamon stik 
yuzu mixed with the KKK to create the same white still-life paintings 
yuzu made a stucco jupiter eclipse your white prison cell of emptiness 
yuzu a cut-stone cliff face orgasm 
yuzu frozen silicon waterfalls of hexadecimal color code
yuzu defragmented jilted rock-candy orgasm 
yuzu designer bamboo pillowcase suffocation training program 
yuzu air-lifted-to-another-air-weapons-platform-harrier-jet-refueling orgasm 
yuzu all like "im just like, this sweet syrup girl" 
yuzu  smiling at you from the bridge of her orbital weapons platform 
yuzu just installing this sac of ATP-generating digital black forbidden rice 
yuzu just this girl who happens to have 800% more hydrogen in her blood 
yuzu black mirror upon gold foil 

yuzu: steeling herself for a long karmic filibuster using documents from Jungian tragi_comedic shadow psyche ür_libraries 

yuzu insisting it's all just spontaneous 
yuzu very good PR girl stockings short skirt snowblind 
yuzu a glimpse of gold in the sky 
yuzu & her endless untranslatable eye messages 
yuzu hefting your balls in the stealth bomber's jacuzzi 
yuzu hefting your balls in the shadow govenrment's black orifice
yuzu hefting your balls while biting her lip 
yuzu hefting your balls in the Apple Store endless iphone 7 queueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueu

iphone 7 released w/ free vaporwave construction kit
just add water! 

^yuzu: like chasing a squirrel + you find beneath her squirrel tail she has a huge swollen black chrome clitoris 

yuzu "this is awesome but i hate all the sexual shit" 

yuzu harassing the literary journal's bad paper choices 
yuzu like finding out the paris review is still owned by the CIA
yuzu gently hefting CIA paris review editor's tattooed nut sac 

^yuzu: who, instead of saying 'oh well' 
hostile takeover 

yuzu like a night-drunk rimbaud autoshotgun 
yuzu captain fucking sunshine 
yuzu a vegetable mineral animal asshole 
yuzu trump hotels covered in a shroud of bio-engineered black seaweed 
yuzu laying it down for all her dead homies 
yuzu pouring some out for all her dead homies 
yuzu even in a really nice place her cloud of pink eye-lasers 
yuzu & IO slowly rotates ...............
yuzu please insert pleasurable device into %yuzu_vagina for software update 
yuzu whispering even when you're alone 
yuzu to yourself 
yuzu lost luggage 
yuzu cavalcades 
yuzu triangular stairmaster
yuzu corpse of the forbidden defeat 
yuzu lost tibetan monastery 
yuzu ancient egyptian pharoah_honey
yuzu gmail password pharoah_honey
yuzu stealth bomber squadron skywriter "pharoah_honey"
yuzu underscore in the clouds
yuzu gently milking her udders 
yuzu soft yet invincible 
yuzu closer still the mirror maze' exposed jaw
yuzu this is a trap too beautiful to escape 
yuzu snapped shut like a sample sale 
yuzu torrid infatuated bloodmothra 
yuzu virginal in the extremity of vast poisonings 
yuzu a redesigned paris 
yuzu drinking the gutted devaluated renminbi 
yuzu truly sorry she is not god, while continuing godlike, endless 
yuzu more than you can possibly chew 
yuzu deciding to fast, chewing her lip, chewing her inner cheek 
yuzu chewing on your fat dolphin-slipper 
yuzu causing eclipses and 20% off the next air raid 

^yuzu: just this anime girl pan-pacific floating platform air war staging facility

yuzu wiping the grease from your hangman_noose 

yuzu sliding a finger juuuust where you can't take it 

yuzu appropriately timed jagged weaponized surrealist apocalypse %20simulation

yuzu putty in your hands 

yuzu collecting doubt exchanging curt epiphanies in cutesy sexual haiku 

yuzu feigning vulnerability till flashing orbital laser cannon lock 

yuzu RTFM orbital weapons platform 
yuzu RTFM slip-on shoes 
yuzu RTFM self-ejaculating condom 
yuzu RTFM vaporwave construction kit 
yuzu RTFM crystal ball 
yuzu RTFM barry white discography 
yuzu RTFM poodle breeding program 
yuzu RTFM chinsea curren$y rawr playbook 
yuzu RTFM fly by night suit jacket 
yuzu RTFM nintendo system 666
yuzu RTFM gmail swagbomb vetting subroutine 
yuzu RTFM general patraeus boy-girl boffing bedroom service 
yuzu RTFM french patisserie meryl streep  
yuzu RTFM rich dutch mayonnaise dip 
yuzu RTFM entire cannibal corpse discography 
yuzu RTFM silicon eyelash appropriation committee
yuzu RTFM bio-rhythm agglomeration technique 
yuzu RTFM bob hope jokebook cliffnotes 
yuzu RTFM how to make smores using beef cheek and 1/2oz aunt jemimah
yuzu RTFM juicy j liner notes
yuzu RTFM bespoke rolls royce footrest elevation system
yuzu RTFM stealth bomber jacuzzi jet-weapon system sex_alchemy booklet
yuzu RTFM macbook pro swagbomb composition walkthru
yuzu endless war bumper sticker 
yuzu really clever without trying
yuzu shunning night clubs in favor of tiny cubicle hotels
yuzu the first ikebana sex tape 
yuzu midnight helsinki hallucinogen
yuzu squeezing the juice from a viper
yuzu ouzo shots in pink desert
yuzu re-watching LA Confidential from the tub 
yuzu jilling off to Ellen in the tub
yuzu watching the entire jim carrey filmogaphy in the tub
yuzu anonymous thai pop song remakes karaoke drunk in the tub
yuzu 'i want it that way' inside the sudz
yuzu foamier & foamier digital sudz
yuzu blowing bubbles inside your testicles
yuzu encouraging you to 'milk it out' while VHS taping ikebana sex
yuzu voracious reader of unsanctioned documents
yuzu glaring up at you from beneath black chrome erections
yuzu a procession of chrome-burnt hyperphallustrade
yuzu de-sensitized enough to take an entire stealth bomber in her mouth 
yuzu password to her gmail account is 'heathcliff'

yuzu: just this girl sired by the philosopher's stone 

a short interview

^yuzu on her average email length: 

     it takes me longer than a day to write this, and while you attempt to shove it      into your mind, i've already moved on... 

^yuzu on sex:

    i've captured all the sensation i need. now, speaking for myself, being a           hunter of exotic exchange. men especially are apt to say anything while           their lozenge(s) are being lipped. meanwhile, my staff are emptying out           their bank accounts and transferring all assets into the coffers of my                 singapore dummy corporations. 

^yuzu on sense memory:

    capital punishment is the IRL version of uninstalling a program. initially, the     trigger is always emotional. solution? gargle. visit skyscrapers. escargot.         stare at white walls until they blur.  

^yuzu on her sexual indigestion
     it takes a year of recovery. [you] should have been reading 
     The Bardo of Waking Life instead of fucking that girl.

^yuzu on becoming a bibliomancer: 

   i'm like the russian government. i have a book prepared for every situation.      bibliomancy is the selective replacement of reality models via steady,                continuous, relentless, lexical glamourbombing.

^yuzu on boredom:

 da vinci discovered this: 
 the solution to any problem is:
 do nothing.


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