Friday, February 13, 2015


Tozan has nothing to do with zen
tozan "the hooded rat"
tozan "diplo walks into a walgreens"
tozan "melrose shopping spree with someone else's credit card"
tozan "dine and ditch at cafe gratitude"
tozan the aristocrat with dutch chocolate and anal plugs
tozan to flood your mouth with sperm
tozan tying his steel toe boots
tozan sipping a giant cup of coffee
tozan knows the chemicals defy gravity
tozan flying crouching tiger with a bigger cock every day
tozan urging the senate to pass a liberation bill
tozan making a play for the united nations
tozan living in a cute 1-bedroom in sausolito
tozan eating pizza then chewing on the box
tozan three cute girls and two strapons
tozan propagate or die
tozan Die Zauberflötetozan mustache made of gold filament tozan beautiful girls use my lap as radar tozan your name tag means evil empire
tozan gordon gecko couldn't refrain from hoarding
tozan machiavellian truth serum injected in your anus
tozan murdered frogs used as decoration
tozan my third eye porcelain doll
tozan maverick and alexander the great
tozan beautiful eyelashes your cunt shadow rouge eyeshadow
tozan buried ookular device recovered by japanese weaponsmiths and eaten tozan fecophagia eating clay corporophagia eating itself auroboros tozan elected electric evil icing on your asshole's birthday cake
tozan a smart man a dumbass and Blink 182
tozan come unglued
tozan anarocyclops 3rd eyeclops using ormus mono-orbital golden eyedrops
tozan leaving a red mark where you wanted to be spanked
tozan the hair fetishist eating his onion flakes with cereal frosted flakes
tozan using swiss bank accounts as a family goat stew recipe
tozan boiled head or singed duck fetus using a lower stepped down portal vibe
tozan especially on sunday
tozan your urine is made from gold dust
tozan whose hands are tied with silver shellack
tozan building a library from polaroids of himselftozan the one who waits %infinity tozan down in the darkness hoarding crack
tozan the lifeline to fake zen masters always evil impressive
tozan the aptitude tests don't have a high enough level
tozan with swollen retained cum balls
tozan the manager of your pirate radio saturn ring
tozan your pierced saturn clit ring
tozan your bread and butter
tozan eating himself out of a cookie paradise
tozan outside of paradise is cake batter
tozan as you break thru the icing into the wigwam
tozan smoking red waratah leaf in the wigwam
tozan whose red toenails are painted black
tozan whose snail is leaving a slime trail
tozan in a stolen aircraft carrier using its radar to return videos
tozan making all the competition go under
tozan scaring girls left and right and leaving a slime trail
tozan in your raw chocolate dutch eateries and brown cafes DIRTY BROWN
tozan in the ice
tozan locked in step with the spiritual generalissimo of all bvlgari svarwovski diamond
tozan licking his chops after a fresh kill
tozan unknown in russia china or iran
tozan the spiritual lik-em-stix for grapefruit seed extract assholes and clam chowder dick fucks
tozan suck a yarn lemon peel banana peel so you understand
tozan inferior lightning bows before inferior cake icing
tozan your red velvet asshole needs an icing topping layer
tozan as soon as you strip
tozan with breaded clam chowder lobster balls clam balls
tozan when you head out to the dentist
tozan when you reflexively fierce your dick
tozan inside of you like a tapeworm
tozan assigning homework you scream rape
tozan a miracle you made it out
tozan hard boiled eggs with a toy inside
tozan your mom with a toy inside
tozan you collect all the insults like a big wad of gum
tozan you get your money into a thick wad
tozan make your prostate eliminate cum like a huge defocation tozan proud of his rainbow tattoo inside his asshole
tozan you can make your electronics breaded and fried
tozan as soon as you hurry the fuck up
tozan or if you wouldn't shut up at least make the baby shut up
tozan fried baby fat hamlet hamburger 2-egg omelet
tozan should have ordered a different breakfast
tozan kill you with an eagle feather
tozan kill you with a eagle feather
tozan in the sink after you wash your cud stuffing
tozan on thanksgiving humiliated ass-stuffing
tozan new car french kissing the rolls royce
tozan with no clothes on or making baby oil rubbed on
tozan herculean editing task making amends
tozan a helicopter and two horny sheep
tozan with the fishmonger playing make believe
tozan bent and twisted tozan a shitty horrifying relief
tozan using gravity to do a dirty deed
tozan relieving himself at NASA's war chief antwerp anteater cafe
tozan on honeymoon with a fake zen master merit badge
tozan fluid as a molten silk pillow drooling down into your phage
tozan macrophages splitting the bill with paleovores
tozan insecticide pharmologically dermatologist edited silk scarf anal dick device
tozan because you don't have a clue
tozan because a slick code wouldn't work
tozan because a N64 controller was designed for a yorkshire terrier
tozan because the Xbox controller designed for platypus with two thumbs
tozan addition minus subtraction equals multiplication
tozan you deserve a fucking merit badge
tozan you can cave in the sky by looking upside down
tozan whipped cream in france with sylvester stallone
tozan posing as hitler for the dark ritual of all ages
tozan opening an under-13 club for macrophages
tozan going oink oink when it's not at all appropriate
tozan moving to anchorage to start a dirty band
tozan moving in on your boyfriend's dad because of a skunk
tozan sunk your battleship
tozan always flunked
ozan the flunky will split the quasar beam in two
tozan kentucky fried chicken and lysol stew
tozan because you painted your asshole blue
tozan an extra eyeball and a horny boot or shoe
tozan electric slurpie, tozan has to burpie
tozan JFKennedy
tozan miracle that it's so bendy!

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