Friday, February 13, 2015


I show up every day and create, period.
That's flat out. That's beyond any trying to be anything.
I fuck your shit up and then I wipe my dick with a rough towel.

Find me in here somewhere among the words
A cave of words. A friendship.
A dynasty???? Da-Mo shows up with a shoe on his head.

I am burning for a new kind of music
Harder. Driving 3X the speed limit.
85 in a 35. Bass strong enough to kill you.

If Buddha were alive
If Socrates were alive
If Mohomid were alive
If all these fucks we worship are alive
They would prolly say spirituality is dead, just do your fucking shit
Die into it

I'm Tozan as the black wire around me burns
I'm Tozan as my finger slides into you and I feel waves of wetness pouring
I'm Tozan able to fuck indefinitely and retain my jing
Therefore all I need is a chunk of raw cacao and some coffee and I sleep 3 hours
Every day I finish a novel
I have a bias for action
I have a bias for fucking your shit up
I have a bias for hiding rosehips in your lodged area

While you sit on the lodge and screw contemplate the void
I'm a holy arhat check out my ARR HAT
My boots get compliments every day
My jewelry gets compliments every day
People hang out their windows to compliment my fresh whip
People are pressed over the Tozan equipment

And my striped tiger dick fresh with monoatomic gold
Don't ask how it got like that
fresher than a mawfuchakh

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